Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Ilagos 46, 4089

     Today is an overall good day so far. Had a good day at the university, I'm learning new things as I work on my tetravalent metal project, and I even decided to start painting again. I also met someone new today; a friend. His name is Elazer. He's into a lot of the same things I'm into, so if anything, I now have someone to work on projects with and talk about things and ideas with. Not many people are into science anymore now that technology is so advanced these days. It is all about technology, technology, technology. No one seems to realize that the new technologies invented every day could revolutionize science a lot more than it has up until now. But arguing that point with people won't help, so in my own way, I am trying to revolutionize science myself, bit by bit.
     Rumors about that thing in space are still floating around, and they don't seem to be getting any quieter. Some people are saying they spotted a new star in the sky last night, an unusually colored one. I think it's just their imagination. Maybe I will do some star gazing tonight. I could just scan the sky with my computer for any new stars, but just as always, technology takes the fun out of the good things in life nowadays. 
[end of journal entry]

    Odi put his journal and pen safely back into his drawer under his t-shirts, feeling a little sense of accomplishment for writing another entry. He stood there for a minute, staring at the floor, thinking of a million things at once, but nothing in particular; tapping his foot, as if anxious. Ah, well anyways. I'm hungry. He spun around and walked out of his room and into the kitchen. He noticed it was unusually windy outside; the wind was howling and whistling against the house and the trees, leaves were flying by the windows, the sky seemed a little ominous. The news didn't say anything about this... And then suddenly, the house was filled with the sound of pebbles pounding on concrete and metal, as if pebbles were actually falling from the sky. Rain. Well, looks like I'm going to be inside for the rest of the night. Good thing I didn't make any plans. Just as one thing comes after another in Odi's life, the telephone started to ring. A sigh and a pouty gesture, with a few steps towards the phone, he picked it up. 
"Odi? It's your mother, dear. I just saw on the news that there is a bad storm right over your house. Are you alright honey?" Her inquisitive, old, grandmother-like voice always amused him.
"Yes, mother. I'm perfectly fine. How are you holding up in Golphos?"
"Oh don't worry about me dear, I'm quite alright. Golphos seems to be winning the war, so things are easier lately. Well lovey I have to go now. I'll call you later." He could almost see her smiling across the phone.
"You take care of yourself, mother. Goodbye."
     Odi hadn't noticed it, but while he was on the phone with his mother, the lights in the house had gotten substantially dimmer than usual, and outside it looked as though it were almost night, even though it was early evening. The more attention he paid to the change, the more he noticed it was very cold in the house, and he had the most intense sensation he was being watched. But by who? Odi opened the front door; the rain and wind had stopped, as if they had never started. It was so dim outside, and even though it was warm, there was still a weird chill in the air. This is getting a little weird... Trying to stay calm, he closed the door, and walked slowly into his office room. Maybe I can get some more damn light in here. Odi dug through his desk drawers, almost frantically, but kept telling himself there is nothing to get excited about. And then, he found it. The Lux Omega 3000. A rather bright lighting globe. He switched it on, and to his surprise, it was just as dim as everything else. It was like there was a gloom enveloping everything, sucking the life out of, well, life. What on Triumph is going on here? Odi set the globe down, and went outside. 
     He walked down the street, looking at all of the houses. Their pale white, concrete exteriors in all sorts of geometric shapes, mainly blocks, with tall, skinny trees and large glass windows. There was this weird darkness, and the unfitting calmness to go with it wasn't helping any. He noticed a very low, quiet hum in the air, like the air itself was vibrating. He stopped walking. Ok, this is kind of strange. I've seen bizarre weather before, but nothing compares to this. He slowly started to back up, getting ready to turn around and walk the other way, and when he did turn around, about 20 feet in front of him, stood a shapeless, black mass. He stopped and froze in terror. What... is that thing...? And just ask quick as it had all happened, the mass disappeared with a whoosh, the environment was no longer dim, and all of the lights in all of the houses on the street flickered and were back to normal brightness. 
     Resisting the urge to question what had just taken place, Odi paced back to his house, and through his front door, which he proceeded to lock. When he turned around, he was blinded by the globe which he had left on, on full brightness, earlier before he had walked out. He rushed over throwing a blanket over it, and turned it off. Why did I even buy that damned thing... He put it away, back into the drawer in his desk, and went back to the kitchen. All of this strange shit has really gotten me hungry. Maybe now I can finally eat and forget about all of this.

[continuation of journal entry]
    The strangest thing happened earlier today. The weather went nuts, my mother called, and as I hung up, everything had gotten quiet, cold, and dark, as if the Gods themselves had wrapped their very own hands around Triumph and were about to crush it. Even as I went outside, I felt as though I were the only one seeing all of this. No one else was there to question what was happening. There was this strange humming to the air, and as I turned around, I saw what looked like a shadow of what, I do not know, and it just disappeared into nothing, and everything was back to normal. At least it didn't start raining again, else I would have gotten soaked. I look forward to forgetting this evening. But until then.
[end of journal entry]

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